Silver Gull (larus novaehollandae)
Seagull Control
Effective control strategies for Seagulls as follows:
- Seagull Exclusion System – This system that has been specially designed and installed only by Elite Bird Control will provide 100% Exclusion against all Seagulls in all situations.
- Bird Shock Track – This system is ideal in most situations when installed on ledges since the system provides an intermittent shock that will simply teach the Seagulls to stay away, long term.
- Bird Slope – A brilliant proofing system that will keep Seagulls of ledges permantely.
- Bird Spikes – The use of Bird Spikes consisting of UV-stabilised bases with stainless steel wires, specifically designed for Seagulls, are perfect to keep them off any ledges.
- Bristle Strips and Bird Guard Systems – A proofing solution to exclude Seagulls from seeking out their favourite harbourages where it is not practicable to install any other deterrent product.
The Silver Gull
The Silver Gull have been undergoing a remarkable increase in numbers in most cities in southern Australia, The Silver Gull also known simply as “Seagull”, the most common gull seen in Australia. It has been found throughout the continent, but particularly in coastal areas largely due to access to foods at rubbish tips, sewage outfalls and has been found found thriving around shopping centres.
IDENTIFICATION: The head, body and tail are white. The wings are light grey with white spotted, black tips. Adults range from 40-45 cm in length. Juveniles have brown patterns on their wings, and a dark beak. Adults have bright red beaks – the brighter the red, the older the bird.
BIOLOGY & BREEDING: The primary Gull in Australia is the Silver Gull. Breeding generally occurs from August to December but they are known to nest all year round depending on their environment. The nest is located on the ground and consists of seaweed, roots and plant stems. The nests may be found in low shrubs, rocks and jetties, but they are also found nesting in an urban environment on roofs, in gutters, around air conditioning, plant and machinery.
A typical clutch size is around 1-3 eggs.
HABITS & DAMAGE: It is a successful scavenger, allowing increased numbers near human settlements. Silver Gulls can create a hazard by roosting and nesting on roofs, which can cause blocked gutters with regurgitated bones and nesting material. When Gulls roost near car parks, their faeces can damage the paint work on cars. They may also contaminate water storages, picnic areas and public swimming pools with faeces and regurgitated matter. They are also very common to disturb staff with noise, odours and by swooping during nesting season.