Indian Myna (acridotheres tristis)
Indian Myna Control
Effective control strategies for Indian Mynas as follows:
Anti-Bird Netting:- The most effective product for the 100% Exclusion of Indian Mynas in all situations. QUALITY “INVISIBLE” SOLUTIONS HDPE Bird Netting is a versatile barrier that denies birds the ability to access literally any architectural configuration and is typically used in applications where maintaining building aesthetics is critical.The Bird Netting is made from High Density Polyethylene; Polyethylene is the most ultra- violet (U.V) resistant netting material available and has extra U.V. stabilizers added in its raw materials and will not rot or absorb water.Specific flame-proof netting is also available which contains fire retardant properties that have fine filaments that melt and drop away before propagating a flame. So when the netting is exposed to an open flame the netting literally disappears.
Where required the installation of Heavy Duty Nylon Zippers will be installed to provide access to services incl. Lights, sprinkler valves, smoke detectors, etc.At ELITE Bird Control we insist on only using quality materials and fixings and we can create innovative designs that are virtually invisible. It is a humane bird control system and will permanently solve your bird infestation problems.
Bird Shock Track:–This system is ideal in most situations because the system provides an intermittent shock that simply teaches the Indian Mynas to stay away, long term. The electric bird deterrent system is changing the face of the bird control industry – building owners are actually paying to have spikes replaced with this electric deterrent system. The Shock-Track is a low-profiled electrical deterrent system which is flexible and adaptable and can conform to any architectural configuration. Once installed the track is very hard to see close up and virtually invisible from a distance.
Bird Spikes:– The use of Bird Spikes consisting of UV-Stabilized bases with stainless steel wires are perfect for Indian Mynas in an environment where the impact pressure is light to medium.
Bird Slope:–A brilliant proofing system that will keep Indian Mynas of ledges permantely.
Post & Wire:– Will stop Indian Mynas from perching on a variety of ledges, guttering and piping.
Trapping:–This strategy in certain situations will greatly assist in reducing the amount of feral Pigeons in an area where there is a heavy Indian Mynas infestation found.
Bird Control Agents:– Only to be carried out by licensed technicians and is limited to be carried out in precise situations and environments for feral Indian Mynas control.
Indian Myna,
The Indian Myna is also known as commonly referred to as a (“Rats With Wings”), are a devastating environment problem. An omnivorous open woodland bird, they have a strong territorial instinct. The Myna has adapted extremely well to urban environments and competes strongly with most native birds. Mynas become quite fearless of people if they are not hassled, and can be a problem in outdoor eating areas by stealing food off people’s plates.
They are also not to be confused with the Noisy Miner, an Australian native bird.
IDENTIFICATION:- The Common Myna is readily identified by having a chocolate brown body, about 12 cm tall black hooded head and neck, and has a yellow beak, feet and legs and patch behind the eye. The bill and legs are bright yellow. There is a white patch on the outer primaries and the wing lining on the underside is white.
The Noisy Miner has a black head, a yellow beak, white under body, pale grey feathers, a longer tail and flesh coloured legs.
BIOLOGY & BREEDING:- The Common Myna / Indian Myna is a member of the Starling family. It is a species of bird native to Asia with its initial home range spanning from Iran, Pakistan, India and Kazakhstan to Malaysia and China. In an urban environment the Common Myna thrives in urban and suburban environments – in Canberra, for instance, 110 Common Mynas were released between 1968 and 1971. By 1991, Common Myna population density in Canberra averaged 15 birds per square kilometer. Only three years later, a second study found an average population density of 75 birds per square kilometer in the same area. They are believed to mate for life. They breed through much of the year depending on the location, building their nest in a hole in a tree or wall. The normal clutch is 4-6 eggs.
HABITS & DAMAGE:- Common Indian Mynas can be an economic problem because they damage fruit and grain and their noise and smell can be annoying when they are in large numbers. The Common Myna is a hollow-nesting species – that is, it nests and breeds in protected hollows found either naturally in trees or artificially on buildings (for example, recessed window sills or low eaves). Compared to native hollow-nesting species, the Common Myna is extremely aggressive, and breeding males will actively defend areas ranging up to 0.83 hectares in size. This aggressiveness has enabled the Common Myna to displace many breeding pairs of native hollow-nesters, thereby reducing their reproductive success. In particular, the reproduction rates of native hollow-nesting parrots in the bush land of Eastern Australia have been reduced by up to 80%.
The Common Myna is also known to maintain up to two roosts simultaneously: a temporary summer roost close to a breeding site (where the entire local male community sleeps during the summer, the period of highest aggression), and a permanent all-year roost where the female broods and incubates overnight. Both male and female Common Mynas will fiercely protect both roosts at all times, leading to further exclusion of native birds. Mynas can also spread mites and they have the potential to spread diseases to people and domestic animals.